Latest in StemLife

Did you know ?
Your baby’s umbilical cord has precious stem cells with numerous medical potential.
Over 20 years of experience in stem cells cryopreservation
One of the first and largest stem cell banks in Southeast Asia
We are Malaysia's first private cord blood stem cell bank, with more than 22 years of experience. We have been accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) since 2018. StemLife is a majority-owned subsidiary of Cordlife Group Limited, a Singapore Exchange mainboard-listed company in Singapore. Our Group is audited annually, and our financial performance is publicly available for viewing.
Rest assured the stem cells stored with us are safe and secured should the need arise for therapeutic applications.
65,000 Cord Blood
units stored with us at StemLife.
11 markets
around Asia are in affiliation to Cordlife Group.
22 years
of service to offer end-to-end stem cell services.
Over 70 Cord blood units released
as a group, to 18 healthcare institutions in 9 countries.
More than 600,000 Parents in Asia
entrusted their child’s precious cord blood with our group of cord blood banks
What our clients said
Achievements & Accreditations