Being the pioneer private stem cell bank in Malaysia, we always strive to be the best and give the highest quality service that our customers deserve.

This includes adhering to the best practices and following the stringent protocols from the collection to the processing and storage of your child's cord blood. We treat each sample with extra care.

Committed to the world’s gold standard of cord blood banking


Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) accredited

  • AABB sets the golden standards for cord blood banking.
  • StemLife was first accredited in 2018. Received re-accreditation in 2020 and 2022.
  • StemLife has met or exceeded AABB's stringent standards in the area of medical, technical and administrative performance.
  • Demonstrates its commitment to provide with only the facts and the best possible method for processing as well as storing the transplant-ready cord blood units until needed in the future.

MS ISO 15189 accreditation by Standards Malaysia

  • StemLife has been accredited with MS ISO15189 since 2011 under Skim Akreditasi Makmal Malaysia (SAMM).
  • StemLife laboratory  has met the requirements of the Standards for Medical Laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence’.

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) – Mutual Recognition Arrangement

StemLife’s lab results are recognised by countries under the ILAC mutual recognition arrangement.


BrandLaureate World’s e-Branding Award

StemLife received an award from BrandLaureate World’s e-Branding Award for Best Brand of the Year 2020 in Innovation Stem Cell Solutions.


Frost & Sullivan Malaysia Excellence Award

StemLife received Frost & Sullivan Malaysia Excellence Award 2017 - Malaysia Stem Cell Banking Company of the Year


EU Analysis Alliance Award

StemLife received Quality Choice Company of The Year for Stem Cell Category in 2013

StemLife’s Affiliations


A member of Malaysia Association for Cell Therapy (MACT)


Founding member of Asia Pacific Cord Blood Bank Consortium

with cord blood banks from Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and Egypt.


A subsidiary of Cordlife Group Limited

which has a large network of cord blood banks in Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong & Macau, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand and Brunei.